Libraries use case
Discover our people counting and reservation solutions
Whether you are in charge of a university library (public or private) or a network of municipal libraries / media libraries, Affluences offers you the optimal solution.
Manage your library as well as possible thanks to Affluences counting technologies ​
You will be able to know in real time how many people are in your spaces (rooms, floors, ...) by going for our 99% accurate counting systems.
By refining your capacity limits and setting up capacity alerts, you will be able to guarantee the safety and comfort of your users​.
Finally, take a step back and easily consult the student flow statistics of your establishment thanks to our complete and user-friendly data visualization interface. Export the desired data and save time when writing your annual reports!

Enhance user experience of your users while smoothing your flows
Communicate on the real-time occupancy of your library spaces on any digital media support.
In terms of advantages:
you provide your students and readers with the opportunity to choose off-peak hours rather than peak hours and thus enjoy your spaces and equipment with maximum comfort. Your users will never thank you enough!
you smooth out your flows over the day and avoid periods of saturation and overcapacity of your spaces. You will then benefit from more serene management of your library.
Choose the Affluences booking module ​
With Affluences' online reservation system , reserving a seat, a study space, a place for a workshop or a conference has never been easier!
In just a few clicks, configure all of your bookable spaces on the Affluences administration portal and check the slots available in real-time.